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Public Access


Chambers has large and experienced Public Access teams in both civil law and family law. The areas of expertise covered include

  • Children
  • Court of Protection 
  • Family Finance and Property
  • Landlord and Tenant (Residential and commercial)
  • Trust of Land and co-ownership disputes
  • Wills and Probate
  • Other Civil Litigation 

Instructing a Barrister under the Bar Council's Public Access scheme is straightforward and you can instruct a barrister from 3DJB on this basis in all the areas of law covered by Chambers. 

Enquiry Form


What is Public Access?

Members of the public, businesses and companies may instruct barristers directly without using a solicitor or other intermediary - this is Public Access. The Bar Council has published guidance for members of the public wishing to instruct a barrister on this basis. The guidance sets out what barristers can do when carrying out Public Access work. Please click here for further information.


What are the advantages of Public Access?

Public Access is an efficient and cost-effective way of obtaining legal and advocacy services. Instructing a barrister from 3DJB on a Public Access basis may be appropriate in the following cases: 

  • You do not want to commence court proceedings but you want to negotiate with your opponent or enter into mediation.
  • You need legal help and advice in court proceedings.
  • You want assistance with drafting court documents (such as statements of case or witness statements), letters or offers to settle.
  • You require legal representation in a court or tribunal.
  • You wish to appeal.
  • How much does Public Access cost?

Our fees are very competitive. Our barristers charge for their work either on a fixed fee basis or an hourly rate. You will be given an estimate of the likely fees. It is Chambers' policy that fees are paid prior to our barristers carrying out any work.

The amount to be charged for any piece of work and the timing of payment will be defined in writing between you and the barrister before they undertake the work. Work going beyond what was defined in the original client care letter (see below) will be the subject of an additional agreement – so at no stage will you become liable for fees which have not been agreed. You will receive fee note in respect of each payment made to the barrister.


How do I instruct a barrister from 3DJB on a Public Access basis?

You may approach any member of Chambers who undertakes Public Access work directly by letter or email. Alternatively, please fill in and email our public access proforma to and the clerks will be happy to suggest an alternative barrister or barristers to you.


Instructing the barrister

Once you are in touch with a barrister, you will discuss with her or him what work you require. The barrister may be obliged to obtain proof of your identity (that is, your name, date of birth and current address), under the requirements of the anti-money-laundering legislation. After discussion with you, the barrister will set out clearly in a 'client care letter' the work they will undertake and the fee chargeable.

Until you have agreed to the terms of that letter you have not instructed the barrister and have not incurred any expense. When the terms are agreed, they form your instructions to the barrister. The clerks will send you a letter confirming that the instructions have been entered into Chambers' administrative system and inform you of the case reference number allocated to your matter.


What is Licensed Access?

Licensed Access (as opposed to Public Access) enables organisations and individuals with the appropriate experience and expertise to approach a barrister direct. Organisations or individuals that have an identifiable area of expertise or experience can apply to the Bar Standards Board to be licensed to instruct barristers directly. The licence holder can instruct any member of the Bar to provide advice and, in some circumstances, representation, in the specialist area. Please visit the Bar Council website for further details.


Lisa Peacock

Call 1992

Head of Chambers

Bernard Limbrey

Call 1980

Ayesha Hasan

Call 1987

Catherine Le Quesne

Call 1993

Sandra Fisher

Call 1993

Katie Williams-Howes

Call 1993

Jessica Redford

Call 1994

Luke Barnes

Call 1996

Deputy Head of Chambers

Mark Jones

Call 1997

Deputy Head of Chambers

Philip Squire

Call 1997

Adrian Davies

Call 1998

Judith Mayhew

Call 2000

Neil Kerr

Call 2001

Emily Beer

Call 2004

Saiful Islam

Call 2005

Jessica Brindle

Call 2009

Ben Birtchnell

Call 2009

Amy Stout

Call 2013

Ruth Hitschmann

Call 2014 (Solicitor 2006)

In This Section

Direct Access

- Public Access


"The barristers are friendly, thorough and personable and are always willing to help. The clerks and admin staff are excellent and always go over and beyond to assist."


"The cohesive clerking team in Chambers have a combined depth of experience which is second to none."


"Impressive skills to handle intractable and challenging divorce and financial remedy cases."


"Chambers has a dedicated and professional clerking team. They are able to deal with any enquiry and are most helpful and reassuring" 


"They have a wide range of top quality senior and junior barristers who deal with high net worth financial work and can handle any type of children work." 


"James Doble has an innate ability to assist in choosing the right barrister for the right case. He leads his team meticulously." 


Chambers have moved premises to another historic building at Dickens House, 15 Took's Court