Formal applications from family practitioners should be made by sending a curriculum vitae and covering letter to Amy Stout at - marked 'Recruitment'. Formal applications from civil practitioners should be made by sending a curriculum vitae and covering letter to Adrian Davies at - marked "Recruitment
Equality & Diversity: all recruitment to tenancy and formal pupillage in Chambers is carried out in compliance with the Bar Code of Conduct and associated official guidance. Please click here to view chambers policy
We tend to advertise if any specific vacancies arise. However, we are a busy Chambers with plenty of work and have attracted successful, unsolicited applications from many established practitioners.
Colleagues who have joined us from other chambers find us open and welcoming. Existing members of Chambers welcome the diversity of outlook and approach which newcomers bring and will happily discuss matters informally with potential recruits. Formal applications should be made by sending a curriculum vitae and covering letter to Amy Stout at - marked 'Recruitment'. All such discussions and applications will, of course, be dealt with in the strictest confidence. Chambers do not usually recruit starter tenants.