Webinar , 8th December by Elizabeth Wark
On the 8th December, 6pm, Elizabeth Wark will be giving a webinar
Forgery: General Principles, Practice and Procedure.
This seminar will consider forgery in two respects. First, in the narrow sense. That is, where a ‘legal instrument’ is procured and used by a person, typically acting with dishonest intent for their own gain, to induce another to accept it as genuine. Many examples abound in the field of probate, but there is wide cross-application to other areas too. Second, in a broader sense. That is, where material relied upon by a party to litigation, such as bank statements or video/audio files, has been manipulated and is then presented to the court as genuine.
General principles and useful practical points, including relevant procedural steps/rules, will be discussed.
Duration: 1 hour.
If you would like to attend, please email JDoble@3djb.co.uk and he will forward the 'zoom' joining details