Judith specialises in all aspects of Family Law.
Judith is an exceptional people person. Her advocacy combines legal knowledge with a rare ability to form excellent working relationships with her clients that give them an edge in formal proceedings. Solicitors have come to trust her instincts and perspective built on her 24 years experience of getting brilliant results for her clients. She is a go-to barrister for particularly demanding or difficult cases that require a hard-headed determination to represent her clients position firmly and forcefully where required. Clients love her willingness to carry on fighting for them sometimes against the odds.
Judith has strong experience and expertise across public and private law children cases at all levels of the Court system involving complex mental health issues, non-accidental injury, neglect and sexual abuse cases, divorce, contact disputes and domestic violence. Judith also offers a specialism in financial disputes in the Family Court.
She has many years of experience representing local authorities, parents and children’s guardian’s in both public and private law matters so has a full 360 view when approaching a case. In finance she has represented clients in all types of financial remedy matters including divorce, TLATA 1996 and Schedule 1 Children Act applications.
Judith is also known for her ability to get to grips with a case quickly, for the quality and effectiveness of her tactical approach and witness-handling skills. She has been led successfully by several KCs where the client’s needs have required it.
Judith is also a qualified to act as an arbitrator in financial disputes and is an accredited arbitrator for children.
Arbitrator (MCIArb) undertakes all areas of family work and is a forceful and tenacious advocate accustomed to dealing with complex public law and financial matters.
Judith is qualified to act as an arbitrator in financial disputes under rules of the Institute of Family Law Arbitrators and is an accredited arbitrator for children.
Judith is qualified to accept instructions under the Bar Council Public Access scheme.
She is a trustee of the Citizens Advice Bureau
Recent clients have said:
“Thanks so much Judith, I can't believe we managed to turn this around and get such a brilliant result for the client. “
“I really needed someone to listen to me and to fight for me and that is what you did for me. I can't thank you enough Judith”
“I think you read the situation cleverly and handled the courtroom process perfectly; the results speak for themselves. Thanks so much.”
“I am really glad that you were acting for me, I can finally put all this behind me and move on with life. What a huge relief!”
Reported Cases
M (A Child) [2012] EWCA Civ 1580
A London Borough v O and Others [2011] EWHC 2754 (Fam)
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